Two new Spotlight posts on the supply of and demand for CTE programs in NYC

See two new Spotlight posts highlighting ongoing work with colleagues at RANYCS on the supply of—and applications to—CTE high school programs in NYC. The first shows documents the change in CTE offerings since 2009. In 2018, 284 unique CTE programs were offered across NYC high schools. While the number of programs in general academic high schools has declined since 2009, the number of programs in dedicated CTE high schools has risen. Program offerings in 2018 were significantly more likely to be STEM focused than those offered in 209. The second is an early look at applications to CTE programs. A large percentage (83%) of NYC 8th graders apply to high school programs with CTE opportunities. But intensity of interest in CTE varies by neighborhood location, race, and gender. Our Spotlight post highlights the challenges of identifying CTE interest from HS applications data. Future work will draw on rich programmatic and course-taking data to better understand the demand for and impact of CTE in NYC.

These articles are cross-posted on the Career and Technical Education Research Network (CTERN) website, here and here.